The Character of a Kiss
In an age where social media is accused of ruining the way we communicate and express ourselves the internet virtual sphere has to stand up to criticism.
As human beings, we crave connection, we are simply wired that way. An authentic method of connection is through face to face interaction and communication. Studies show that only 7% of communication is based on the written or verbal word. Leaving 93% of communication based on nonverbal body language. When your words and mind are saying, one thing but your body language is saying something else.
Virtual communication looses so much meaning, it’s only when we can hear a tone of voice or look into someone’s eyes that the true meaning of their words can be understood.
But the internet does have a few wonderful surprises up its sleeve…. like the Send A Kiss campaign by Burberry, where you can send a kiss to a lover, you can take a photo of your own virtual kiss and send it along to the object of your affection, and while you are waiting for their reply explore the world of kisses, which lights up the world showing you which countries have sent the most kisses so far.
In an age of the virtual, authentic connection is more satisfying than the binary variety, but it does still offer up some wonderful ways to express connection and adoration.
Explore the world of kisses with Burberry