Tantric Massage for Men

Tantric massage for men awakens the senses affecting your whole being, deeply relaxing massage, body bliss, exploring new experiences that inspire and revive your energy. Tantra massage is re-awakening for your whole self.

You may have seen the tantric massage for men include the word Lingam, this is simply the Sanskrit word for the intimate male body.

An experience that will be like no other, you will learn techniques to transform your arousal experiences. The tantric massage for men is a stimulating massage, enabling you to feel highly aroused whilst also very relaxed, feeling wonderfully blissed out.

Let my expert touch ease away the stress and transform that feeling where you enter another world of pleasure. I can teach you a simple breathing technique that will enhance your experience, or you can choose to leave this out. The tantric massage experience can enable you to explore a very deep and full body orgasm.

You can talk with me beforehand to ask any questions, if you experience premature ejaculation I can teach you some simple techniques to enable you to prolong.

Lingam massage is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is a welcome part of the Lingam massage experience. Lingam massage is about being able to receive pleasure. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. Tantric Lingam massage gives you the opportunity to enjoy a full body massage, including the intimate Lingam, to receive pleasure and relax into yourself.

The Lingam massage is a full body massage including the Lingam enabling you to surrender to a form of pleasure you may not be accustomed to.

It is best to suspend all expectations or goals and approach each session as an exploration of new sensations. The goal orientated mind is set in its ways. Exploration and finding new experiences for your body, your sensuality, your sense of self, requires an openness.

Tantric massage with Ella in relaxing surroundings based in central London. Tantric massage for men is a transforming massage experience, enhancing your wellbeing.

Your Tantric Massage Experience