Ella’s Independent Tantric Massage

Hi I’m Ella, an English tantric masseuse offering independent tantric and erotic massage in central London. I’m an experienced tantric therapist and sensual play connoisseur.

I create experiences so that you can explore your sensual nature in a safe and nurturing environment. I provide sessions which are welcoming sanctuary spaces for bliss and tantric nourishment. My manifesto is to offer a space where people feel safe, intimate, accepted and nurtured.

I combine holistic relaxation with tantric and sensual techniques. My natural touch will relax you into a state of bliss whilst also keeping you on the edge of arousal throughout the experience. I have a professional certificate (ITEC) in holistic massage and use long relaxing massage strokes to ease away tension and stress, bringing you to a place of deep relaxation.  

There are a variety of sessions I provide including Classic Tantric Massage, Tantric Tuition, 5 Senses Meditation with Tantric Massage, Foot Worship and Erotic Play. If there is a tantric or sensual element you’d like to explore, I can discuss with you how to weave this into a session for you.


“Thank you for a wonderful sensual hour. You really are a very beautiful woman with a smile that lights up London. I shall be back one day for longer but I am about to disappear overseas for the winter so it may be some months before I get back to see you.” – Tony 

“Just a brief note to say thank you very much for the session on Friday afternoon. I think I can say that was the pinnacle of all my massage experiences, absolute bliss.” – Graham 

“Hi Ella I’ve met with you a few times now, you are totally gorgeous and I feel very occupied by your touch. I can almost carry the touch of your hands with me.” – Tom 

My tantric practice is always growing and exploring sensually affirming experiences. I believe in the principle of Kaizen, learning and seeking new experiences. In terms of erotic intelligence I follow the work of many tantric or relationship and sex coaches such as Michaela Riedl, Margot Anand, Ian Kerner, and Esther Perel.

I have many interests including wellbeing, art, culture, emotional intelligence, psychology, self awareness, healthy relationships, sexual wellness and erotic exploration.

To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people just exist.” – Oscar Wilde

Tantric and sensual erotic massage is about opening up to new experiences of receiving pleasure and arousal for your whole being. 

I am located in central London, 10 minutes walk from Russell Square station or Chancery Lane station. I have a discreet flat, with a comfortable massage studio, with ensuite shower. 

Contact me for your best tantric and sensual experiences. I look forward to expanding your erotic joy through tantra. 

Ella xX 

Sessions and Fees

