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Sensual Ecstasy and Tantra

Sensual Ecstasy Through Tantra

Have you ever experienced a moment of sensual ecstasy? How did it make you feel? Exhilarated? Luminous? Deeply connected? Intense sensual experiences are one of our greatest sources of pleasure.

Human beings need and crave intimacy to the core of our being, yet also take great pains to avoid it. We may long to rekindle lost passion, but have forgotten how to light the fire.

The practice of Tantra shows us how to reclaim the sensual intimacy. And through this most ancient of arts, we may discover new joys of the erotic and expand mere moments of sensual ecstasy into a lifetime of intimate bliss. At a time when the stresses, fears and distractions of daily life threaten so many relationships, the ancient tradition of Tantra shows us how to open our hearts, our emotions and our sensuality.

What Is Tantra?

Although Tantra has long been practiced in many eastern cultures, it is just beginning to flourish in the United States and Europe. Tantra originated in India more than 6,000 years ago, Tantra emerged as a rebellion against organised religion, which held that sensual desire should be rejected in order to reach enlightenment.

Tantra challenged the beliefs of that time, purporting that sensual ecstasy was a doorway to the divine, and that earthly pleasures, such as eating, dancing and creative expression were sacred acts.

The word Tantra means “to manifest, to expand, to show and to weave.” In this context, sensuality and intimacy is thought to expand consciousness and to weave together the polarities of male (represented by the Hindu god, Shiva), and female (embodied by the Hindu goddess, Shakti), into a harmonious whole.

Couples need not adopt the Tantric pantheon in order to benefit from the sensual wisdom of this ancient art. Tantric intimate practices teach us to prolong the act of making love and to utilise potent orgasmic energies more effectively.

Tantra is also health enhancing. “Intimate sensual energy is one of our most powerful energies for creating health,” says Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom.”

“By using sensual intimate energy in a conscious way…we can tap into a true source of youth and vitality.”

How Is Tantric Sensuality Unique?

In the West, we sometimes view intimate sensuality as a source of recreation rather than a means of transformation. The goal may be to reach orgasm rather than to pleasure our lover or to connect with them more fully.

Your Tantric Massage Experience

The tantric massage experience can bring you to a place of deep relaxation in a way that will also enable your whole being to be highly aroused. The massage will begin just like a Swedish or holistic massage and be a full body massage experience including the intimate area of the body. The tantric massage experience combines gentle touch, body massage, relaxing breathing techniques and arousal of the senses. Find out more.


Sound Bath Experiences for Relaxation

Sound Bath Experiences for Relaxation

Sound bath experiences are a way of immersing yourself in meditative sounds which can promote your sense of wellbeing.

What is a sound bath and how does it work?

In general, meditation is excellent for managing stress and improving your overall wellbeing. A sound bath is a relaxation technique where you are immersed in the sound waves produced by the human voice as well as instruments such as chimes, gongs, drums and singing bowls.

“Sound bath experiences are becoming more popular and many people find them to be extremely beneficial for their overall health and well-being,” says Puranshant Kaur, a yoga teacher and sound bath practitioner based in Westport, County Mayo in Ireland.

Sound baths use repetitive notes at different frequencies to help bring your focus away from your thoughts. Generally, these sounds are created with traditional crystal bowls, gemstone bowls, cymbals, and gongs.

Each instrument creates a different frequency that vibrates in your body and helps guide you to the meditative and restorative state. Sara Auster, a Brooklyn-based sound therapist, explains on her website, “By using particular combinations of rhythms and frequencies, it is possible to shift our normal beta state (alert, concentrating, reacting) to an alpha (creative, relaxed), and even theta (meditative state) and delta (deep sleep; where restoring and healing can occur).”

For beginners, as long as you leave the normal beta state of being alert, concentrating, and reacting, then you should consider your experience a success. Calming those three instincts should leave you feeling relaxed and recharged.

Fans of sound bath experiences say they have a profoundly calming effect as the vibrations wash over you. Some go so far as to say they can help reduce pain and relieve stress and anxiety.

“Sound baths create the space and conditions for healing to occur on many levels,” explains Kaur. “The sound stimulates our circulation and immune system, cleanses our energy meridians, and helps to release emotions stored in our body like anger, stress and trauma. Sound also balances both hemispheres of our brain, promoting deep relaxation.”

Your relaxing tantric experience


Combat Jet Lag Through Relaxation

Combat Jet Lag Through Relaxation

Jet lag, also called desynchronosis and flight fatigue, is a temporary disorder that causes fatigueinsomnia, and other symptoms as a result of air travel across multiple time zones. It is considered a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, which is a disruption of the body’s circadian rhythms caused by traveling to different time zones. Relaxation techniques are a natural way to combat jet lag.

1 / Relaxing massage

Massage can help reset your body’s internal clock, not to mention improve circulation and relieve achy muscles after a long flight.

We all know that massages are relaxing, but over and above that, they offer physical benefits. Reflexology massages are particularly effective against jet lag.

Reflexology massage targets the central nervous system and the pineal gland. Stimulating this gland increases the production of melatonin, which is needed for a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Swedish or reflexology massage can be an effective way to encourage your body and mind to adjust back into a routine.

2 / Magnesium Scrub

Combat jet lag with the help of magnesium. Studies show magnesium minimises pain, a factor which can otherwise disturb sleep and heighten jet lag sleepiness upon arrival. Magnesium is indicated to act as a muscle relaxing sleep aid, thought to help the body recover from disturbed sleep-wake patterns a common problem when crossing time zones.

Time zone changes can be particularly brutal when traveling to Australia, which is why The QT Sydney hotel offers a 2.5 hour-long jet lag recovery treatment with magnesium called the Weekend Warrior.

The Weekend Warrior is a 2.5-hour treatment that sees green tea, sea kelp and magnesium play hero in a spa session that aims to replenish energy and mineral levels, detoxify your system and knock out fatigue. The mineral magnesium acts as a muscle relaxing sleep aid to help the body reset disturbed sleep-wake patterns and improve sleep efficiency, while essential oils (including bergamot) are included to promote feelings of wellbeing, as well as assisting with insomnia.

Combining a sea salt body scrub, massage and custom facial using green tea, sea kelp and magnesium-rich salts, the whole process is designed to detoxify, boost circulation, calm the nervous system and fight fatigue all necessary remedies after sitting on a plane for a full day.

Massage therapy techniques selected for the treatment are specifically chosen to smooth out the bumps of travelling, boost circulation and calm the nervous system while the facial component is customised with a focus on removing the environmental build-up of impurities accumulated whilst travelling.

Potent Green Tea is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, while magnesium is responsible for promoting healthy energy levels, sleep, muscle function and overall well‐being. The combined ingredients of green tea, magnesium and sea kelp also promotes detoxification and fights fatigue.

Massage therapy provides great relief from those suffering from soreness, aches and discomfort often associated with long-haul travel. Soothing massage techniques in areas of specific tension or discomfort.

Your relaxing massage experience

Drawing of a mind with words of emotional intelligence Blog

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is generally said to include at least three skills: 

– Emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name one’s own emotions

– The ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving

– The ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating one’s own emotions when necessary and helping others to do the same

There is no validated psychometric test or scale for emotional intelligence as there is for the general intelligence factor—and many argue that emotional intelligence is therefore not an actual construct, but a way of describing interpersonal skills that go by other names. 

Despite this criticism, emotional intelligence “emotional quotient,” or “E.Q.” as it’s sometimes known has wide appeal among the general public, as well as in certain sectors. In recent years, some employers have even incorporated emotional intelligence tests into their application or interview processes, on the theory that someone high in emotional intelligence would make a better leader or coworker.


The first pillar of emotional intelligence is paying attention to your own emotions.

Emotions often come in two main parts: 1) The psychological component – the thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that underlie most of our emotions, and 2) The physical component – the bodily sensations that often accompany different emotional states.

For example, an emotion such as nervousness may be a mixture of certain thoughts (“I’m not good at this” or “I’m scared I’m going to make a mistake”) and certain sensations in our bodies (a fluttery feeling in our stomach, e.g. “I have butterflies in my stomach”).

Sometimes just being more aware of our emotional states (and all their components) is enough to manage them better. In one recent study, they found simply labelling negative emotions can help you overcome them.

The next time you’re feeling a really strong emotion, try stepping back and just observing that emotion as it is. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling? What am I thinking? What physical sensations am I experiencing with this emotion?”

A little honest reflection of your emotions can really help you understand yourself better and how your mind really works.


Once you are more aware of your emotions, the next pillar of emotional intelligence is learning how to respond to them better.

Depending on the situation, there are many different strategies we can use to better regulate our emotions. Some of these strategies include:

Channeling an emotion in a new and constructive way, such as through exercising, writing, or painting.

Avoiding triggers – such as certain people, situations, or environments – that are more likely to bring out a negative emotion.

Seeking positive experiences to reverse negative ruts (such as watching a comedy movie when we are feeling down, or listening to motivating music when we are lazy).

Turning emotions around by doing the opposite of what you feel.

Sitting and watching emotions as a passive observer, instead of acting on them impulsively.

These are all strategies available to us to help us regulate our emotions better on an everyday basis.

Think of “emotional intelligence” as a kind of toolkit. There are many different ways to respond to a particular emotion, and not every tool is going to work depending on what the situation is.

The more emotionally intelligent you become, the better you will be at deciding what is the best way to respond to an emotion. But that’s going to take steady practice and awareness.

Empathy and Social Skills

Understanding your own emotions is half of emotional intelligence, the other half is understanding the emotions of others.

As we improve “self-awareness,” we also improve “other-awareness.” We learn that there is sometimes a difference between our own thoughts and feelings and the thoughts and feelings of others.

Empathy is our ability to see things from another person’s perspective – and to take into account their individual thoughts and feelings about an experience.

Of course, we can never understand another person’s mind completely, but we can actively learn about a person’s inner thoughts and feelings by paying attention to what they are communicating verbally and non-verbally.

Empathy is a kind of “mind-reading,” but it’s based on making inferences about people’s internal worlds based on their external actions.

Another powerful tool for improving empathy is perspective taking. This is a mental exercise where you literally imagine yourself experiencing a situation from another person’s perspective to better understand them.

Be more willing to ask yourself, “What is this person thinking? What is this person feeling? Why is this person acting in the way they do?” These types of questions will be a great starting point in building more empathy in your daily relationships.

Once you understand the emotions of yourself and others, the next question is “How do I respond to other people’s emotions?” This is where social skills comes in as the last pillar of emotional intelligence.

First, understand that a lot of our emotional world has a social component to it. For example, emotions such as love, guilt, rejection, and embarrassment are almost strictly social emotions (they rarely exist outside the context of our relationships with others).

To build healthy relationships it’s therefore important that we are attuned to other people’s emotions, especially how they respond to our own actions and speech.

If your actions cause negative emotions in other people, then that can hurt a relationship and your ability to connect with others in a meaningful way.

Cultivating positive emotions – like joy, optimism, excitement, and humour – is key toward bonding with others in a strong and lasting way.

Have you ever walked into a room of people who are really depressed or stressed out, and you immediately begin to feel depressed and stressed too? This is an example of emotional contagion, which is the idea that our emotions can often spread to others like a virus.

In the same way that other people’s emotions affect us, our emotions affect other people. So if you walk around life with a generally positive attitude, that is going to rub off on those you interact with (but you have to first have your own mind in order).

The social skills aspect of emotional intelligence is about becoming an “emotional leader” of sorts. But you need to practice turning negative people around by first being positive in yourself.

Your Tantric Massage Experience

man blindfolded bdsm Couples

Sensory Deprivation

Sensory Deprivation

Sensory deprivation is a deliberate removal of stimuli from our senses. 

When stimuli are removed, instead of hibernating, the mind explodes with activity: visions, various auditory hallucinations and other perceptual distortions. In other words: without the distractions, mind tends to go into overdrive.

Over the years, studies have shown that sensory deprivation does induce psychosis-like experiences.

Pairing sensory deprivation with sensation play is a great entry point into the world of sensual play and kink. Manipulating the senses allows you to take a dip into BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism).

When you and your lover are playing and trying out sensory play always agree what is allowed and what is off limits before you begin. It’s essential to agree on your safe word with your partner and have trust between you. A safe word is established so that the action can be stopped instantly should anything go wrong. Whatever your safe word is, make sure you and your partner are on the same page.

When talking about what is allowed or off limits with your partner you could start the conversation with, “I really like it when…” or “I have a fantasy about ______ and was wondering if you would want to…” or “I really get turned on when…” or “I’ve always wanted to try…”

Trust and communication is key during BDSM and kink play.

Sensory deprivation is commonly used in BDSM and appeals to beginners as well as experienced players. Put simply, sensory deprivation is the act of removing one or more of the senses so the others become magnified or distorted.

Blindfolds and sensory deprivation

Blindfolds are one of the most common sensory deprivation tools. When our sight is taken away, we’re forced to rely on touch, smell, hearing, and taste. Cover the eyes and suddenly every sound becomes more seductive (or sinister depending on the mood you’re trying to set). Each touch feels more electric, tastes are more decadent, and our sense of smell becomes more keen.

While using a blindfold alone will kick your kink game up a notch, it can be even more impactful when layered with other things. You may wish to remove additional senses to erotically disorient your lover. You could add a pair of headphones playing music to your blindfold set-up, or play with the senses of touch, smell, and taste.

You can think of your partner’s sense of anticipation as your great ally throughout the session, and the absence of visual and verbal clues of what is about to happen next will greatly increase the erotic tension.

Sensation play

Every type of bodily touch elicits some sort of sensation. Sensation play is most effective when it involves opposing types of touch in succession. For instance, rough followed by soft, fast and slow, hot and cold, firm and gentle. This type of thoughtfully applied stimulation gets our endorphins and adrenaline flowing.  

One of the most versatile sensation tools are the hands. They can firmly massage or tickle with lightly stroking fingers. Put a rough mitten or soft, clean polishing mitt on each hand and rub those opposing sensations over your partner’s body in quick succession. Add lotion or oils to your bare hands to make them even more versatile tools. Leaning in close, slowly release warm breath on your partner’s oily skin. Blowing a firm stream of air will elicit a cool sensation on damp skin.

You can take the temperature play further with alternating things like ice cubes, cold or frozen grapes and warm washcloths.

If spanking is on your list of things to try be sure to spank safely. A key component to having spanking be safe and pleasurable is location, location, location. Focus spanking the buttocks this is a safe area to spank.

AVOID SPANKING THESE AREAS – the tailbone / base of the spine, outside of the buttocks, lower thighs, the back of the knees, and where the bottom ends and the thighs begin. It’s easy to damage the base of the spine or kidneys if your spanking gets out of the safe zone.

When we get spanked, more blood flows to the skin, the muscles relax and arousal builds. Warm your partner up with softer spanks. Massage the l butt and thighs, the more relaxed we are, the better spanking can feel. Watch their body language for cues that they’re beginning to get turned on. You may want to include other stimulation such as genital play or tickling to heighten sensation.

When your partner is warmed up, their skin will probably feel warmer and (depending on their skin tone) may be a bit pink. They may also relax into the sensation or make appreciative sounds. However your partner expresses their pleasure, make sure to linger here before taking it further, you’ll be rewarded later.

If you’re not sure what you or your partner likes, start slow and ask. One great way to do that is to spank once and ask them to rate it on a scale of one to ten. Another way is to do two different strokes and ask which one felt better. And remember that what we like changes when we’re turned on and warmed up, so feel free to mix it up a bit.

The spankee can give cues that particular stroke pattern or strength is enjoyable by wiggling or squirming in your lap, or letting out a squeal. They can also let the spanker know something was not so enjoyable by saying things like: “no not there”, “too hard” or “that didn’t feel good.” 

To make the most of sensory deprivation in intimate and sensory play , go slow, let your imagination run wild and try using an imaginative sequence of moves, and a different pace than the two of you are used to in your everyday intimate play with each other. But most of all, don’t be selfish when you’re in control, think about how to give the most pleasurable experience to your partner.

Enjoy your role as the director of your partner’s sensory deprived pleasure trip. Communicate with each other, establish trust and play safe.


The Relationship Paradox

“Love rests on two pillars: surrender and autonomy. Our need for togetherness exists alongside our need for separateness. One does not exist without the other.” – Esther Perel

This is the relationship paradox of love, the closeness needed for intimacy with the individuality that fuels desire.

The seeds of intimacy are time and repetition. We choose each other again and again, and so create a community of two. As a couple grows emotionally intimate through this repetition, which furnishes the building blocks of trust and security, desire begins to diminish. Noting that sex is not a function of emotional intimacy but a separate state of being,

It is too easily assumed that problems with sex are the result of a lack of closeness. But perhaps the way we construct closeness reduces the sense of freedom and autonomy needed for sexual pleasure. When intimacy collapses into fusion, it is not a lack of closeness but too much closeness that impedes desire. Cultivating our individuality, our own personal growth which is set apart from our partner can create the desire and curiosity for our partner again.

Eroticism is a movement toward the Other, this is its essential character. Yet in our efforts to establish intimacy we often seek to eliminate otherness, thereby precluding the space necessary for desire to flourish.

We seek intimacy to protect ourselves from feeling alone; and yet creating the distance essential to eroticism means stepping back from the comfort of our partner and feeling more alone.

Our ability to tolerate our separateness and the fundamental insecurity it engenders is a precondition for maintaining interest and desire in a relationship. Instead of always striving for closeness, couples may be better off cultivating their separate selves. There is beauty in an image that highlights a connection to oneself, rather than a distance from one’s partner.

Adapted from an article in Brain Pickings which talks about Esther Perel’s work on the topic of erotic intelligence. 


Benefits of Yoga

There are many reasons that people chose to start yoga for some it’s about flexibility, or stress relief, general health and physical fitness.

The health benefits are very real. Yoga can increase your flexibility, improve your balance, and decrease your cholesterol. A recent review in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology shows that yoga can reduce the risk of heart disease as much as conventional exercise. On average, yoga participants lost five pounds, decreased their blood pressure, and lowered their low-density (“bad”) cholesterol by 12 points. There is vast growing body of research on how yoga improves health problems including chronic painfatigueobesityasthmairritable bowel syndrome, and more.

Here’s a beginner’s routine for yoga for anyone to try, Morning Yoga for Confidence & Energy (Strength, Posture, and Mobility) from Man Flow Yoga. 

If you choose to explore yoga, here are 5 possible benefits:

1. Reduction in stress

Studies have shown that practicing daily yoga can reduce or even fully prevent insomnia. When experiencing insomnia, practice relaxing asanas or postures, such as forward fold (uttanasana), or child’s pose (balasana), or lying on your back with your feet up the wall. Relaxing yoga poses can calm both your body and mind.

2. Improve posture and flexibility

A few minutes a day practicing poses like the warrior or the downward facing dog, will soon make you really feel the difference in your flexibility, whether you’re pretty bendy already or not. Yoga is for all and whatever your level of flexibility you can find a yoga position that works for you and your body.

3. General fitness

Yoga gives you all that a gym can, but in a peaceful, safe and more holistic way. It combines aspects of cardio, functional and strength training all in one.

4. Weight loss

To truly grasp the concept of how weight loss and yoga go hand-in-hand, we must understand the three layers that our energetic bodies are comprised of: the mind, body, and soul. Each layer depends on and affects the other two. When one layer is unbalanced, such as the mind, the body and soul follow suit.

You cannot have a healthy body and pure soul if the mind is overactive and unbalanced, which is the case for more people than not. Luckily, yoga has a way of uniting and creating harmony among these three key decision-makers that rule your life.

When all three bosses get along, everything runs in a more balanced and efficient manner. You have a real chance at success and weight loss.

5. Increase your energy

Just a few minutes of yoga every day will provide that much-needed energy boost in our busy lives and will keep us fresh for longer. Yoga, with its unique synergy of body and breath work, is perfect when your reserves are running low.

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Here’s another set of simple yoga poses to get you started with yoga. 


Quote of the Day

“Life consists only of moments, nothing more than that. So if you make the moment matter, it all matters.

You can be mindful, you can be mindless. You can win, you can lose.

The worst case is to be mindless and lose. So when you are doing anything, be mindful, notice new things, make it meaningful to you and you’ll prosper”

Harvard Business Review, 2014 


Yoni Massage: Before the Massage

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit word for the female intimate anatomy, the word yoni describes not only the anatomy but also the encompassing female erotic energy. As women we are full of images and ideas about sexuality. We are used to slipping into sexual roles and experiencing our desire in a specific framework. We are used to thinking of ourselves as girlfriend, wife, mistress, passive, active, in love or simply after sex. Every woman develops certain sexual behaviour patterns, even during masturbation.

It is important to let go of these ideas and images. Only then do we truly create a space that allows us to experience new aspects of our sexuality and expand our notions of what sexuality can be. For many women this is a challenge and the yoni massage can be a pathway to achieving this openness because the yoni massage invites women to simply do nothing for a change, to inhale deeply and dive into new bodily sensations.

The goal is not an orgasm, but an orgasmic mind, which opens up to the whole erotic experience and a recognition of what happens without any expectations attached.

In the process of yoni massage the giver lights a fire of erotic delight in the clitoris of the receiver. This erotic sensation must be lovingly nourished throughout the massage, sometimes more, sometimes less, tending to the wave of erotic sensations which the receiver experiences. Nourishing the yoni with touch so that the receiver is awash with pleasure and acceptance. The giver is careful to avoid over stimulation, taking care of the receiver so that their pleasure is tended to in a way that meets their own sensual pleasure.

Do not be discouraged if at first things don’t go the way you had hoped within the yoni massage, let go of expectation, and let your giver know what it is that you need, direct them in what feels good to you. The yoni and female sexuality are too complex for easy answers.

Approach yoni massage with an open, curious, aware and loving attitude. The possibilities are many for you to expand your sexual consciousness and experience. Your yoni massage giver is there to serve you, accompany you and guide you on this path.

Adapted from the book, Yoni Massage: Awakening Female Sexual Energy by Michaela Riedl.


Quote of the Day

Don’t be bothered by perfection. Replace the word ‘perfection’ by ‘totality.’ Don’t think in terms that you have to be perfect, think in terms that you have to be total. Totality will give you a different dimension. – Osho

Tantric Body London Meditation