Tag: <span>Erection</span>

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10 Facts About Your Penis

10 Facts About Your Penis

10 facts about your penis and what you probably didn’t know about your genitals.

10 facts about your penis, number one

1. Your first erection

Penises are born ready. It is common for babies to exit the womb with an erection. Even before the moment of birth, ultrasound scans sometimes show a foetus with a fully formed erection.

According to a study from 1991, fetal erections occur most commonly during random eye movement (REM) sleep. And, they can happen a number of times each hour. No one is quite sure why, but it might just be our body’s way of testing things out and keeping them running correctly.

10 facts about your penis, number two

2. Your penis is twice as long as you think

A lot of men might take solace in this fact: our penises are longer than they look. In fact, around half of its entire length is housed inside of our bodies.

You might be thinking, “Well, it’s no good to me up there,” but it needs to remain connected to the rest of your anatomy, so it’s probably best that it stays put.

As you can see from the diagram here, the mass of pink erectile tissue — which comprises the so grandly named corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum — extends well into the pelvic region, forming a sort of boomerang shape.

I wouldn’t use any of the above as a pick-up line, though.

10 facts about your penis, number three

3. The shoe size myth

Let’s lay this one to rest, shall we? According to a study published in the journal BJU International, there is no correlation between shoe size and penis length.

Although an older study — which was published in 1993 — did find that penile length was related to both height and foot length, it was a weak relationship, and the authors concluded, “Height and foot size would not serve as practical estimators of penis length.”

Also, the International Journal of Impotence Research published an Iranian study looking at other correlations. They concluded that “penile dimensions are significantly correlated with age, height, and index finger length,” but not foot size.

10 facts about your penis, number four

4. ‘Morning wood’

Most men have 3–5 erections every single night — mostly during REM sleep. Also called nocturnal penile tumescence, it’s still not clear why it happens. However, one theory is that it might help to prevent bed-wetting; an erection inhibits urination.

A full bladder is known to stimulate nerves in a similar region to those involved in erections. But because females experience something similar — nocturnal clitoral tumescence — bed-wetting prevention is probably not the entire answer.

Another potential explanation is that REM sleep is linked with switching off cells that produce noradrenaline in the locus coeruleus, which is in the brainstem. These cells inhibit the tone of the penis. So, by reducing the inhibition, the penis becomes erect.

Whatever the reason behind nocturnal erections, they can be useful as a diagnostic tool. If a man has difficulty achieving an erection when awake but becomes erect when he sleeps, it is an indication that there is a psychological issue, rather than a physical one.

However, if he does not get erections during sleep, the issue may be physical.

10 facts about your penis, number five

5. One final erection

So, we’ve established that we can get erections in the womb and during sleep, but this is perhaps even more surprising: the death erection. Also called angel lust or terminal erection, it happens in the moments after death.

Most commonly, it occurs in men who have died from hanging; scientists believe that it may be due to pressure from the noose on the cerebellum. However, it has also been reported following death by a gunshot wound to the head, damage to major blood vessels, and poisoning.

10 facts about your penis, number six

6. You can break your penis

As I’m sure you are aware, there is no bone in your penis, which is fairly unusual for mammals. However, it is still possible to break your penis. It most commonly occurs during vigorous sex, although it has been documented to happen to men who fell out of bed with an erection.

Penile fracture, as it is known, is actually the rupture of the fibrous covering of the corpora cavernosa, which is the tissue that becomes erect when engorged with blood.

The moment of fracture is accompanied by a popping or cracking sound, intense pain, swelling, and — unsurprisingly — flaccidity.

Thankfully, it doesn’t happen very often and, if it is treated swiftly, full function can be restored. As a note of caution, if this happens to you, don’t let embarrassment get the better of you. Go and get it sorted as soon as possible.

10 facts about your penis, number seven

7. No-brainer

Most men have very little control over exactly when they ejaculate. This is partly because it does not involve the brain. The signal to ejaculate comes from the spinal ejaculation generator. This region in the spinal cord coordinates the necessary functions.

Of course, the higher brain does have some input into these matters — thinking about something else is a well-known way to delay the event, for instance — but the nuts and bolts of the whole operation are dealt with in your spine.

10 facts about your penis, number eight

8. The angle of the dangle

A man’s erection can point in virtually any direction. Straight ahead, left or right, up or down, there’s no right or wrong.

The following data come from a study that measured the erections of 1,565 men.

In the figures below, if the penis pointed directly up, it was measured as 0 degrees, and if it was forward-pointing (horizontal), it would be 90 degrees:

0–30 degrees — 4.9 percent of men

30–60 degrees — 29.6 percent of men

60–85 degrees — 30.9 percent of men

85–95 degrees — 9.9 percent of men

95–120 degrees — 19.8 percent of men

120–180 degrees — 4.9 percent of men

So, if you’ve ever been concerned that your chap is a bit skew-whiff, don’t worry — you’re normal. While we’re on the topic of “normality,” very few penises are straight; they can curve in any direction. A curve of up to 30 degrees is still considered normal.

10 facts about your penis, number nine

9. Grower or show-er

A study on 274 men demonstrated that there is no correlation between the length of a flaccid penis and its erect size. Some start small and end up large (a grower), while some are large when flaccid and only grow a little when erect (a show-er).

Some are even small whatever state they are in, and some are large when flaccid and get much larger. It’s a mixed bag.

This doesn’t hold much relevance outside of the locker room, but I guess it’s good to know anyway.

10 facts about your penis, number ten

10. Cornflakes and masturbation???

Dr. John Harvey Kellogg invented cornflakes and other products because he thought that plain foods would lead Americans away from what he thought was the “sin” of masturbation.

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Orgasm and Ejaculation

Orgasm and Ejaculation

Orgasm and ejaculation are separate events, although they seem to occur simultaneously. It is important to note that either of these events can occur in the absence of the other.

Arousal and pre-ejaculate

Sexual desire is a complex interaction among cognitive processes, physiological mechanisms (hormones), physical well-being, and positive mood all affecting the drive toward sexual fantasy or behaviour.

If a man encounters something that excites him sexually, messages are transmitted to the portion of the brain dedicated to sexual response.  Many men believe that sexual arousal is always accompanied by an erection, but this is not necessarily the case at the first stage.

A number of other things happen during the early stages of sexual arousal. The brain is flooded with natural chemicals that act similarly to drugs such as cocaine. These natural chemicals, called endorphins, make the man say to himself that whatever is causing the sexual arousal is very enjoyable and should be continued. If the sexual response is the result of observing another person, the man may make an effort to meet the other person involved.

Most men will produce pre-ejaculate when anything considered to be sexually exciting occurs, perhaps even reading a sexually explicit story or watching a sexually explicit movie. There is no limit to the length of time that a man can be aroused, and throughout arousal the man can continue to produce drops of pre-ejaculate.


Normally, excitement is followed by erection. An erection of the penis occurs as the spongy tissues of the penis are engorged with blood. There is one large primary artery responsible for blood flow into the penis, but several veins that drain the penis of blood. When an erection is not happening, the inflow of blood and the outflow is maintained in balance and the penis remains flaccid. 

During erection, blood flows into the penis and holes in the spongy tissue in the penis fill with blood. At the same time, flaps in the veins leading out of the penis enlarge, cutting off the drainage. As a result, the penis fills with blood. As more and more blood flows in than out, the penis enlarges and becomes harder.

Finally, veins in the penis are compressed from the increasing pressure from the erection itself. Heart rate and blood pressure also increase, the pressure of blood into the penis increases, keeping the penis hard.

Research indicates that stimulation of the septum, a portion of the brain known to be a part of the limbic system, results in the feeling of an orgasm, but this stimulation produces neither an erection nor ejaculation. These findings support the theory that ejaculation and orgasm, though often linked together, are, indeed, separate events.

Learning how to achieve an erection just below the level, which leads to ejaculation is an important part of sexual enjoyment. It is important for the man to learn how to read his body’s signals that orgasm and ejaculation are near. Psychologists call the point where the man is no longer able to delay orgasm the “point of inevitability”.

Learning how to lengthen the arousal and erection period while delaying orgasm is an important part of maximising enjoyment from sex. As the erection proceeds, the physical sensations become increasingly more and more exciting, and the psychological pressure to ejaculate becomes more and more intense. It is essential to learn how to keep the stimulation just below the level required for ejaculation, while learning to deal with the increasing psychological pressure to ejaculate.  

The psychological pleasure becomes more and more intense, the longer the arousal can be maintained without ejaculation, but the greater the enjoyment for the man.  Developing these skills and dealing with the psychological desire to ejaculate for as long as possible requires practice.

Women usually require a somewhat longer period of time to become fully aroused, so being able to delay orgasm potentially increases the enjoyment of sex by both partners.

All of the sections of the erect penis are not equally sensitive. Thus, by varying locations being stimulated, the man can perhaps delay orgasm. Stimulation of the base of the penis, near the body, while pleasant, normally will not be sufficient to achieve orgasm. The underside of the tip of the penis, called the “frenulum”, is very sensitive to manual stimulation. If this area of the erect penis is stimulated very much, an orgasm (and ejaculation) will occur almost immediately.

A significant portion of the penis, perhaps one- third to one-half of it, lies inside the body. This portion of the penis also responds to manual stimulation. It can be felt and externally massaged at a spot called the perineum area, which is directly behind the base of the scrotum. This is a little recognised but highly sensitive area of the male body. This spot is sometimes referred to as the “second male G spot” though many men are not even aware that it is a sexually sensitive area.

In addition to the possibility of externally massaging the interior portion of the erect penis, a bundle of nerves terminate here, and the main artery that is responsible for providing blood for erections runs through this area.  Inside, but directly above this area lies the Cowper’s glands. It is likely that external massage of this area will to a certain degree stimulate these glands.

The prostate is a little further up, but nearby. It is possible and often very pleasant to externally massage the prostate, a walnut-size gland, responsible for secreting most of the liquid contained in the semen by pressing on the perineum, or directly inside the rectum, as the gland is located only about an inch inside.

Orgasm, with or without ejaculation

With practice, a man can learn a degree of control over the point when he proceeds to orgasm and ejaculation. Some men believe that male orgasm invariably results in ejaculation, but this is not always true. Some men have learned techniques for having multiple orgasms without ejaculating. Many of these techniques involving squeezing of the urethra such that the semen is not allowed to leave the body.

As the point of orgasm approaches, pre-ejaculate production will normally stop, and the hole in the tip of the penis becomes slit-like. The testicles become hard and are drawn up near the body in preparation. Breathing becomes heavier, and there may be involuntary contractions of major muscles (convulsions) throughout the body.

Finally, the psychological and physical pressure to ejaculate is released in a series of muscular contractions, usually about 8 major contractions spaced a second or so apart, followed perhaps by several smaller ones that can last 45 seconds or so.

Ejaculatory Force: Generally the more frequently a man has an ejaculation, the less force that ejaculation will have.  If one is able to ejaculate two to three hours after his previous ejaculation, the semen just dribbles out.

Semen: There is a wide variation in semen production, but about 60 percent on average, comes from glands called the seminal vesicles, whereas 38 % comes from the prostate, with the remainder from glands such as the Cowper’s.

Frequency of Ejaculation: According to a number of studies, Many post- pubescent young men report daily ejaculation, if not more frequently than that. This frequency gradually declines for most males to 2-3 time per week, which is typical of men in there forties. But there is still considerable variation among adult men of a given age.

Once the arousal has begun, there are physical and psychological changes that take place in men. As outlined earlier, typically, an involuntary message is sent from the brain to the nerves that control a series of valves on the veins by which blood is drained from the penis. At the same time, blood continues to enter the penis through the main artery, the heartbeat rate increases, and blood pressure rises. With blood flowing in faster than it is returned, the penis starts to become erect.

When the penis is flaccid, touch seems little different than touch on any other part of the anatomy. But as erection starts to take place, the nerve endings concentrated in the penis start to become more sensitive and pleasant to the touch.

Sexual tension has started. The first sexual feelings are rather unfocused, but as arousal begins, the man’s attention increasingly is focused on the sensations emanating from the groin area. Many men believe these sexual sensations occur only in the penis, but there are many other places in the groin area that are quite sensitive as well.

Equally interesting are the psychological changes that are taking place, something that few men acknowledge. At the initial stages of arousal, the man has no particular psychological “urge” to press forward to ejaculation. But as the arousal and erection continues, the psychological urge to press forward to ejaculation becomes stronger and stronger. This is the essence of building sexual tension. Psychologically, the man experiences the feeling of wanting more and more stimulation to continue and increase the intensity of the sexual feelings.

The entire experience can be likened to the winding of a “sexual” spring.

Increasing stimulation causes the “sexual” spring to be wound tighter and tighter, increasing the sexual tension. These sensations are extremely pleasant, but at the same time, the unreleased tension is also described as very “frustrating” by most men. Interestingly, some men describe this as a “delicious” frustration, and many agree that it is among the best, if not the best of experiences that life has to offer.

The tighter the sexual spring can be wound, the more exciting the sexual “ride” and the more “extreme” the ultimate release will be. This is a human experience not to be missed. Fully recognising this and fully taking advantage of these sensations and psychological urges in an effort to more completely enjoy them for a longer period of time without moving directly forward to orgasm, something that most men must learn. But the results are well worth the effort, both in terms of the man’s own enjoyment as well as for the benefit and enjoyment of a sexual partner.

Refractory period

Once the orgasm is complete, the valves which had maintained the erection, are opened and the penis is drained of blood so that within a space of a few minutes it has returned to its flaccid state.

Some research has suggested that testosterone produced by the sex organs in males and the adrenal glands (on top of the kidneys) in females, has less to do with whether a man will become sexually aroused than is widely believed. Other recent research suggests that it is not testosterone, but a compound closely related to testosterone that is important. Ordinarily, after ejaculation, a man has no further interest in sexual activity of any kind. For a period of 10 minutes to perhaps more than an hour, or even days for older men. During this refractory period a man is physically unable to achieve another orgasm even if he is able to maintain  erection.

The generally pleasant feelings of satiety, lack of interest in further sexual activity and sleepiness following the male orgasm, which many women do not appear to fully understand or appreciate, are primarily linked to a chemical called oxytocin that is released during orgasm.

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Erectile Dysfunction in Younger Men

Erectile Dysfunction in Younger Men

Erectile dysfunction in younger men, according to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, one out of every four new erectile dysfunction (ED) patients are under 40.

Psychological causes are thought to be the main reasons behind ED in younger men. Having said that, physical causes should not be dismissed.

If you have an off night, try not to let this stick in your head. Anxiety can lead to more of the fight-or-flight hormones, such as adrenaline, which may kill your erection dead in the water.

No problem getting an erection one day and then the next, uh oh? Us men are expected to be 24/7 erection machines. Truth is, having problems getting or maintaining an erection is common, whatever your age. The inability to get an erection can have severe emotional effects. And ones that, too often, we just don’t want to talk to anyone about.

First of all: You’re not alone. ED is not just a problem that affects older men. ED can also be a sign of other more serious underlying conditions like diabetes and hypertension, so going to see your GP can be a smart move.

Mind Games

Psychological causes are thought to be the main reasons behind erectile dysfunction in younger men. Having said that, physical causes should not be dismissed. Thing is, getting an erection is a bit like trying to fall asleep. The harder we try, and the more we obsess over it – the less likely it is to happen. So all the advice points to: Relax.

The most common psychological causes of ED include, according to WebMD:

Anxiety: If you experience ED once, there’s a natural fear it will happen again. This can lead to performance anxiety. And then to more ED. Sucks, doesn’t it?

Depression: This is a common cause of ED. Depression can cause ED even when you’re totally comfortable in a sexual situation. The drugs used to treat depression may also cause ED.

Guilt: Feel guilty that you may not be satisfying your partner? This can lead to ED – and the best thing to do is talk it out. Chances are that he/she will rush to reassure you.

Stress: Could be money-related, about your job, caused by family issues or relationship problems.

Low Self-Esteem: This can happen because of prior ED or could be about things totally unrelated to sex. Talk it out with a therapist or your GP, as well as your partner.

Indifference: Not thinking about sex as much as you used to? This can be about age, a result of medications or because of problems in your relationship. Or it could be something else entirely. Best to see your GP.

“If left unaddressed, it can become a vicious cycle. The natural fear of embarrassment and failure become associated with sex. So we avoid sex. And relationships may break down,” explains Dr Earim Chaudry.

If you have an off night, try not to let this stick in your head. Anxiety can lead to more of the fight-or-flight hormones, such as adrenaline, which may kill your erection dead in the water.

“If you think in evolutionary terms,” says Dr Chaudry. “It’d be hard to run away from a predator if you had an erection. So fight-or-flight chemicals are natural passion killers.”

“Erectile dysfunction in younger men tends to be more psychological, but you should get checks for things like hormone levels and diabetes – and try to improve your lifestyle,” he suggests.

The Porn Question

Erectile dysfunction in younger men can be impacted by porn. What’s happening to our erections? In the last two or three decades, Erectile Dysfunction in younger men has gone up.

One idea that’s been floated is that porn, and porn addiction, may be to blame. In a study at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin, researchers found links between years of using porn and a decrease in grey matter in areas of the brain associated with reward sensitivity. The takeaway? Compulsive use of porn may stop men becoming easily aroused.

The medical world is divided on this. But porn-induced ED has been defined as when porn changes a man’s sexual appetite. So you no longer feel aroused in real-life situations.

Possible Solutions: Lifestyle Changes

Without a doubt, lifestyle changes should be attempted in all men with ED.

Smoking is an important cause of ED and continuing with smoking will undermine all interventions.

Being overweight or obese is associated with diabetes, heart disease and low testosterone. In men with mild ED and no known heart disease, weight loss has been shown to improve ED after 2 years, meaning that lifestyle change alone will usually need to be combined with medication. In men with known diabetes and heart disease, weight loss alone resulted in minimal improvement, meaning that medication will almost always be required.

Reducing alcohol consumption to safe levels of 14 units per week or less has been shown to improve ED.

Moderate exercise for 20-30 minutes, five or more times per week will help reduce ED as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and improving the response to medication.

Recreational drugs such as cannabis and opiates should be avoided as these may affect erection, desire and orgasm, usually through alterations of testosterone levels.

Reducing levels of (or ideally avoiding) pornography has been shown to improve erections, orgasm and sexual function in previous high-level users.

Dietary Supplements can be effective in mild cases or can be used to enhance the effect of other medications in severe cases. L-Arginine is an enhancer of the natural erection process but a dose of 2-3 grams is required. Folic Acid 5mg daily has been shown to enhance the effect of oral medications, especially in diabetes. Yohimbine, a natural plant extract, has been used for over fifty years to enhance erections. Saw Palmetto can improve ED and urinary symptoms. Many commercial preparations are available that combine some of these supplements.

Vitamin E has been shown to be beneficial for fertility both with and without ED medication.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation and massage.

For some men, being stressed may just make you irritable, but for others, too much stress can cause sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction. For these men, learning to relax and ease stress is all that may be needed to treat ED.

Relaxation Techniques

Below are a few relaxation exercises. But first, be sure that you have a quiet location that is free of distractions, a comfortable body position, and a good state of mind. Try to block out worries and distracting thoughts.

Rhythmic breathing: If your breathing is short and hurried, slow it down by taking long, slow breaths. Inhale slowly then exhale slowly. Count slowly to five as you inhale, and then count slowly to five as you exhale. As you exhale slowly, pay attention to how your body naturally relaxes. Recognising this change will help you to relax even more.

Deep breathing: Imagine a spot just below your navel. Breathe into that spot, filling your abdomen with air. Let the air fill you from the abdomen up, then let it out, like deflating a balloon. With every long, slow exhalation, you should feel more relaxed.

Visualised breathing: Find a comfortable place where you can close your eyes and combine slowed breathing with your imagination. Picture relaxation entering your body and tension leaving your body. Breathe deeply in a natural rhythm. Visualise your breath coming into your nostrils, going into the lungs and expanding the chest and abdomen. Then, visualise your breath going out the same way. Continue breathing, but each time you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in more relaxation. Each time you exhale imagine that you are getting rid of a little more tension.

Progressive muscle relaxation: Switch your thoughts to yourself and your breathing. Take a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly. Mentally scan your body. Notice areas that feel tense or cramped. Quickly loosen up these areas. Let go of as much tension as you can. Rotate your head in a smooth, circular motion once or twice. (Stop any movements that cause pain). Roll your shoulders forward and backward several times. Let all of your muscles completely relax. Recall a pleasant thought for a few seconds. Take another deep breath and exhale slowly. You should feel relaxed.

Relax to music: Combine relaxation exercises with your favourite music in the background. Select the type of music that lifts your mood or that you find soothing or calming. Some people find it easier to relax while listening to specially designed relaxation audio tapes, which provide music and relaxation instructions.

Mental imagery relaxation: Mental imagery relaxation, or guided imagery, is a proven form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between the mind and body. Guided imagery coaches you in creating calm, peaceful images in your mind — a “mental escape.” Identify self-talk, that is, what you say to yourself about any problems you have. It is important to identify negative self-talk and develop healthy, positive self-talk. By making affirmations, you can counteract negative thoughts and emotions. Here are some positive statements you can practice:

Let go of things I cannot control.

I am healthy, vital, and strong.

There is nothing in the world I cannot handle.

All my needs are met.

I am completely and utterly safe.

Benefits of massage:

Erectile dysfunction in younger men can benefit from relaxing massage. One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of calm and deep relaxation, which can banish the stress that many men experience. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. 

Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine, are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system. 

Some of the physical benefits of massage and myotherapy include:

– Reduced muscle tension

– Improved circulation

– Stimulation of the lymphatic system

– Reduction of stress hormones

– Relaxation

– Increased joint mobility and flexibility

– Improved skin tone

– Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries

– Heightened mental alertness

– Reduced anxiety and depression

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The Male G Spot

The Male G Spot

The Male G-Spot also known as the prostate can be the source of mind-blowing orgasms.

The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and sits under the bladder, surrounding the top part of the urethra (the tube that takes urine out of the penis). It produces much of the seminal fluid that makes up ejaculate.

The prostate gland swells when you are aroused, and many men find that putting direct or indirect pressure on it during sex creates an intensely pleasurable sensation deep in their bodies and can lead to more powerful orgasms. 

For many men, the idea of someone touching their prostate sounds about as appealing as getting a root canal. But for other men — both straight and gay — exploring the prostate can bring new heights of sexual excitement and pleasure. It’s so pleasurable, in fact, that some sexual health experts have dubbed the prostate the “male G-spot.”

Men can even have prostate orgasms without stimulation to the penis.

“The orgasm from your prostate is a full body orgasm, and you feel a tingly sensation all over. This is opposed to the more isolated and direct pleasure from a regular orgasm through masturbation or penetration. In general, a prostate orgasm requires more time to warm up and more energy. But it’s totally worth it,” says Chris* (last name has been withheld for privacy reasons), a sex educator at The Pleasure Chest in Los Angeles.

So, how do I find the male G spot?

The prostate gland swells when it’s aroused which means that you’ll have more luck finding it, and more pleasure from it, if you are already turned on when you start looking. 

Start by putting some lube on your fingers and massaging the outside of the anus, then gradually slip one or two fingers inside. To find the male G spot the fingers should be pointing up (toward the belly button). Try curling them a little bit like you’re making the universal signal for “come here.” Like we said earlier, you might feel the prostate gland as a small bump. 

Many men say that the first thing they notice when someone pushes on their G spot is feeling like they have to pee. This makes sense because the prostate is so close to the bladder. Take it as a sign that you’re in the right place, and keep applying pressure, or start gently massaging.

Be prepared

If you’re trying prostate massage by yourself, make sure your hands are clean. If you’re trying it with a partner, check their digits for any hangnails. Perhaps most importantly, “always use lube, as the anus does not self lubricate. If putting something in your rectum hurts, slow down and add more lube,” says Chris.

Take baby steps

Before going in, start with a gentle external massage on your perineum which is located between the testicles and anus.

“Take some time on your own to get to know your body. Lay on your back with your butt under a pillow, tilting your hips up for easy access. Start with massaging your perineum with your hand or fingers. Apply lube to your finger and rub your anus externally to stimulate the nerve endings,” says Chris.

Explore internal stimulation

If the external massage feels good, curve your (at this point, lubed-up) finger into your rectum towards your belly button. “Two or so inches in, you should be able to feel your prostate,” says Chris.

It’s important to note that you really don’t have to go much further than that, particularly on your first try. “People think you need to shove a whole hand up there, but that’s not how it works,” says Milstein. “Insert one finger a few inches into your anus and push up toward the rear. Wiggle it around a bit, tap the inner walls, and apply different amounts of pressure to see what feels good to you.”

What does a prostate orgasm feel like?

1 / My first prostate orgasm was a few months ago ‘I had a massager, made for prostate massaging, and decided to go for it. When the orgasm hit, it f*cking hit. A wave smashing into my groin; wave after wave smashing over the rest of my body. My skin felt super-receptive. I felt every hair follicle on my scalp, and I felt a pressure building again. I had groaned loudly, and shot across the room. Multiple volleys of semen flew across the room, managing to hit the opposite wall. When it was over, I was still quivering. Gasping for air and trying to not to touch my body. I grazed my nipples and nearly had a seizure. I cleaned myself off after 10 minutes of trying to regain my composure. When I stood up, I couldn’t walk. My knees were quivering with exhaustion. It was intense beyond intense.’

2 / The male G spot orgasm feels a lot better than a normal orgasm
‘Still relatively similar in the way it feel, but just more intense. And longer lasting. I also find I generally come more as well.’

3 / For me, I find that I am simply overcome by the sheer power of the Orgasm.
‘It’s not a whole lot better, per se, but it is a lot stronger. After it happens, I’m stuck there out of breath and trembling for at least a few minutes – as if all of my energy had just been sucked out of my body and concentrated into a ridiculous orgasm. P-spot is the way to go. It doesn’t replace a regular orgasm, but it makes a really nice treat every once in a while.’

4 / They are amazing!
‘It feels like you’re brought to the brink of orgasm, but you stay there for a long time before the pleasure just takes over and you explode. I do think it can be difficult when you try to achieve a prostate orgasm by yourself. You end up focusing on the thrusts instead of being able to fixate on the immense pleasure. It’s much better with a partner when you are able to lie there and just enjoy the feeling, while they go to town on it.’

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Full Body Orgasm

A full body orgasm also known as an energy orgasm can be described as an orgasm which fills your whole body with the pulsating sensation of arousal and pleasure. It can sometimes make your whole body pulsate and can feel like a warm glow of energy.

Here’s another description:

‘My erection was harder than normal, and twitching rhythmically of its own accord. ‘The twitching became more intense until it merged into an amazing continuous tingling sensation. I thought I was going to ejaculate, but instead, the tingling spread from my genitals to my stomach and legs, then all over my body. ‘

I wondered what was going on, but it felt so good, I just relaxed and let it continue. ‘After a few minutes, my breathing became shallower and more rapid, then my whole body went rigid, and a wonderful warm feeling swept over me, radiating out from my genitals.

‘My whole body spasmed – in a really nice way – and I went rigid all over. ‘Then the sensation peaked. My eyes rolled back in my head, my groin pushed upwards, and I felt flushed all over. I was expecting to ejaculate but I didn’t, yet I’d just had the most amazing whole body orgasm. It was mind blowing!’

Quoted extract from a Metro article, available here. 

I have helped many clients achieve a full body orgasm also known as an energy orgasm.

Here are 5 elements which are part of the pathway to reaching a full body energy orgasm experience.

There are more tips which I can share with you during your tantric massage appointment with me.

1. Playing with high and low arousal many times before the final release 

For men and women the experience and pathway to a full body orgasm is different, this is because for men it can be easier to reach 80% of their climax and then calm things down in a cycle of high arousal and low arousal to reach their peak climax in a final crescendo. It’s vital to hold back a number of times before reaching the final peak, this is one of the key elements to reaching a full body orgasm.

For women once they are in the zone of high arousal to slow things down can feel frustrating when all you want is to go over the edge of arousal into orgasm. It can take more care and attention to practice a cycle of high arousal and low arousal to reach a full body orgasmic sensation.

The ebb and flow of arousal, reaching a high peak and then slowing things down in a way which feels good and pleasurable is part of reaching a full body orgasm.

2. Not being goal orientated, releasing any expectations

Focusing so hard on an outcome will not help you achieve a full body orgasm. You need to be open to whatever happens in the tantric session. Sometimes it takes people a few tantric massage experiences before their body and full being is ready or prepared to experience a full body orgasm.

Releasing any expectations you have, being open to the experience and being willing to try the breathing exercises your therapist will recommend are all fundamental to the full body orgasm experience in a tantra massage.

3. Breathing 

Yes, this is part of achieving a full body orgasm. Being open to practicing full and deep breaths throughout the tantric massage and especially during peaks of arousal and low arousal, playing with the arousal energy.

Breathing techniques are used within yoga and meditation, and the benefits of deep breathing have been recognised by the SAS and Navy Seals. 

Navy Seals use a 4 x 4 breathing method, breathing in for four counts and breathing out for four counts. 

4. Feeling relaxed 

The massage part of the tantra experience will help you and your whole body feel relaxed. A full body massage where your entire self is being tended to with caring touch and relaxing massage strokes for an hour or more will help bring you into deep relaxation.

5. Time 

All of the above elements take time, tantric full body massage, entering a relaxed state, free of expectations, practicing deep breathing, as well as playing with high and low arousal cycles.

If you are prepared to set aside quality time and let your tantric therapist guide you, then the experience of a full body orgasm can be yours. This is not something which can be rushed.

A full body energy orgasm is possible if you truly let go, surrender and let the tantric massage experience envelop you, wrap around you.

Breath Training

Focused Way to Strengthen Erections

From my tantric library, “to promote good erections, we have to promote the flow of energy to the lingham (lingham is the sanskrit word for penis). Any man regardless of age can promote the supply of oxygen to his lingham.” – Lingham massage, awakening male sexual energy, by M.Riedl and J.Becker.

The following is a list of exercises that help with increasing oxygen supply to the lingham.

Breath training: focused, deep breaths in a relaxed rhythm, paying attention to your pelvic floor, testicles and lingham. Breathe into your lower abdomen and mindfully send towards your pelvic floor.

Sports: endurance sports (promotes stamina), tennis (promotes ability to react to stimuli), hula hoop exercises or salsa dancing (promotes circulation to hip area).

Pelvic floor exercises: increases circulation to the pelvic floor, see pelvic floor exercise video from Physio Fitness Tim Keeley.

Yoga: exercises such as the cobra promote circulation.

Starting one of these exercises can help promote circulation to the pelvic floor and lingham. Practicing these exercises regularly means the benefits will build.

This blog post contains extracts from Lingham massage, awakening male sexual energy, by M.Riedl and J.Becker.

If you are unsure about starting any new exercise, you should consult your doctor.