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Benefits of Yoga

There are many reasons that people chose to start yoga for some it’s about flexibility, or stress relief, general health and physical fitness.

The health benefits are very real. Yoga can increase your flexibility, improve your balance, and decrease your cholesterol. A recent review in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology shows that yoga can reduce the risk of heart disease as much as conventional exercise. On average, yoga participants lost five pounds, decreased their blood pressure, and lowered their low-density (“bad”) cholesterol by 12 points. There is vast growing body of research on how yoga improves health problems including chronic painfatigueobesityasthmairritable bowel syndrome, and more.

Here’s a beginner’s routine for yoga for anyone to try, Morning Yoga for Confidence & Energy (Strength, Posture, and Mobility) from Man Flow Yoga. 

If you choose to explore yoga, here are 5 possible benefits:

1. Reduction in stress

Studies have shown that practicing daily yoga can reduce or even fully prevent insomnia. When experiencing insomnia, practice relaxing asanas or postures, such as forward fold (uttanasana), or child’s pose (balasana), or lying on your back with your feet up the wall. Relaxing yoga poses can calm both your body and mind.

2. Improve posture and flexibility

A few minutes a day practicing poses like the warrior or the downward facing dog, will soon make you really feel the difference in your flexibility, whether you’re pretty bendy already or not. Yoga is for all and whatever your level of flexibility you can find a yoga position that works for you and your body.

3. General fitness

Yoga gives you all that a gym can, but in a peaceful, safe and more holistic way. It combines aspects of cardio, functional and strength training all in one.

4. Weight loss

To truly grasp the concept of how weight loss and yoga go hand-in-hand, we must understand the three layers that our energetic bodies are comprised of: the mind, body, and soul. Each layer depends on and affects the other two. When one layer is unbalanced, such as the mind, the body and soul follow suit.

You cannot have a healthy body and pure soul if the mind is overactive and unbalanced, which is the case for more people than not. Luckily, yoga has a way of uniting and creating harmony among these three key decision-makers that rule your life.

When all three bosses get along, everything runs in a more balanced and efficient manner. You have a real chance at success and weight loss.

5. Increase your energy

Just a few minutes of yoga every day will provide that much-needed energy boost in our busy lives and will keep us fresh for longer. Yoga, with its unique synergy of body and breath work, is perfect when your reserves are running low.

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Here’s another set of simple yoga poses to get you started with yoga. 


Quote of the Day

“Life consists only of moments, nothing more than that. So if you make the moment matter, it all matters.

You can be mindful, you can be mindless. You can win, you can lose.

The worst case is to be mindless and lose. So when you are doing anything, be mindful, notice new things, make it meaningful to you and you’ll prosper”

Harvard Business Review, 2014 


Yoni Massage: Before the Massage

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit word for the female intimate anatomy, the word yoni describes not only the anatomy but also the encompassing female erotic energy. As women we are full of images and ideas about sexuality. We are used to slipping into sexual roles and experiencing our desire in a specific framework. We are used to thinking of ourselves as girlfriend, wife, mistress, passive, active, in love or simply after sex. Every woman develops certain sexual behaviour patterns, even during masturbation.

It is important to let go of these ideas and images. Only then do we truly create a space that allows us to experience new aspects of our sexuality and expand our notions of what sexuality can be. For many women this is a challenge and the yoni massage can be a pathway to achieving this openness because the yoni massage invites women to simply do nothing for a change, to inhale deeply and dive into new bodily sensations.

The goal is not an orgasm, but an orgasmic mind, which opens up to the whole erotic experience and a recognition of what happens without any expectations attached.

In the process of yoni massage the giver lights a fire of erotic delight in the clitoris of the receiver. This erotic sensation must be lovingly nourished throughout the massage, sometimes more, sometimes less, tending to the wave of erotic sensations which the receiver experiences. Nourishing the yoni with touch so that the receiver is awash with pleasure and acceptance. The giver is careful to avoid over stimulation, taking care of the receiver so that their pleasure is tended to in a way that meets their own sensual pleasure.

Do not be discouraged if at first things don’t go the way you had hoped within the yoni massage, let go of expectation, and let your giver know what it is that you need, direct them in what feels good to you. The yoni and female sexuality are too complex for easy answers.

Approach yoni massage with an open, curious, aware and loving attitude. The possibilities are many for you to expand your sexual consciousness and experience. Your yoni massage giver is there to serve you, accompany you and guide you on this path.

Adapted from the book, Yoni Massage: Awakening Female Sexual Energy by Michaela Riedl.


Quote of the Day

Don’t be bothered by perfection. Replace the word ‘perfection’ by ‘totality.’ Don’t think in terms that you have to be perfect, think in terms that you have to be total. Totality will give you a different dimension. – Osho

Tantric Body London Meditation

Quote of the Day

“When you look upon another human being and feel great love towards them, or when you contemplate beauty in nature and something within you responds deeply to it, close your eyes for a moment and feel the essence of that love or that beauty within you, inseparable from who you are, your true nature. The outer form is a temporary reflection of what you are within, in your essence. That is why love and beauty can never leave you, although all outer forms will.”  – by Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks

tantric thought of the day

Tantric Massage, a Pathway to Experiencing Multiple Orgasms

Tantric Massage can be a pathway to experiencing multiple orgasms.

London Tantric Massage Leading To Intimate Pleasure

The experience of an orgasm often bookmarks the end of a sensual experience. However, the experience of a much deeper, full release leading to a multiple orgasm is a sensation that can be experienced through London tantric massage and can benefit intimate pleasure by:

  • Enabling the intimacy to last longer as you both experience techniques to prolong sensations of arousal
  • Experiencing a deeper awakening of your sexual energy that can lead to a multiple orgasm
  • Learning to have ejaculation control and the ability to get in sync with your partner

Techniques For Successful Tantric Massages

Tantric massage techniques are very valuable in leading you to experience orgasm control with the potential of a deeper orgasm for men and for women through delaying the initial orgasm and prolonging the experience with tantric techniques.

Tantric massage incorporates full body massage, with simple rhythmic breathing, exploring the whole body and stimulating the intimate pleasure zones through massage in a way that prolongs the pleasure experienced. The idea is to be fully relaxed through massage allowing you to be submerged in to a blissed out state where the arousal experience can be fully appreciated as you receive the loving touch of your tantric partner.

A much deeper and fuller release can send waves of energy flowing throughout the whole body. I have seen many experience this full body orgasm as they experience a deeper, more “full” sensation of release. In my own sensual practice I have used tantric techniques to prolong my own orgasm, experiencing the different sensations that a tantric orgasm can create.

The tantric orgasm is not a rushed one; allowing time for your whole body to unwind, finding a relaxed space, enabling you to open up to a slow burn of arousal, coming up to the point of orgasm, stopping just before the point of no return and after a few minutes of rest beginning the arousal experience again. The repeating of this many times can lead to a deep, full release with the potential of a multiple orgasm.

There are some good resources that can begin your exploration of tantric massage techniques. These two books in particular are excellent resources that give a good foundation for the tantra ethos and practical guidance.

“Lingham massage, awakening male sexual energy” by Michaela Riedl and Jurgen Becker, & “Yoni Massage, awakening female sexual energy” by Michaela Riedl.


Preparing to Offer Your Partner an Intimate Tantric Massage

The first phase of preparing to massage your partner is to begin with the intention to honour them and enabling them to receive.

As the giving partner, prepare a loving, pleasant and warm space. The space can include fresh towels to lay on, a calm atmosphere can be created by candles and relaxing music.  Prepare all the things you will need for the massage including oil (e.g. grapeseed oil) and towels. You may want to warm the oil by placing the bottle of massage oil in a warm cup of water. As the giving partner lead the massage session.

Establishing Initial Physical Contact in the Tantric Massage

  • You can choose to sit with your partner, facing each other, in the space you have created for the massage. Ask your partner to give you their hand and take their hand in a gentle and loving hold. Then offer them your hand, in return to hold. This creates a connection between you. Even though you are the one giving the massage, it is impossible to give with your touch in a loving and meaningful way without also experiencing touch that is loving. Now offer a personal invitation, such as “I invite you on a sensual journey”, and you can add more to the invitation as you like.
    Sit down behind your partner, and place your arms around them in an embrace, enable your partner to lean against you resting their head against you. In this intimate embrace you can breathe slowly in rhythm with each other, this will relax both of you, and create a physical harmony between you.

Beginning the Massage

  • You can then invite your partner to lay on their stomach. With feather light touches gently stroke your partners back with your finger tips, with long slow touch, or teasing touch, caress their hair, lightly touch their ears. Touch their whole body in this way, from their head to their toes.
  • Test the temperature of the oil before applying to your partner’s body. Pour a little oil into your hand and with care in slow movements distribute the oil over your partners back, arms and legs.
  • Let your hands glide like waves and flow steadily across your partners body, with the oil between your hands and your partners body, this will enable the gliding motion. Have the intention to lovingly touch your partner, changing the speed or the pressure as desired, be careful to avoid the spine, and any other bony parts of their body. Focus on fleshy parts of the body, where the areas of muscle are. If your wrists are loose this will enable you to massage in a soft and gentle way.
  • Begin by massaging your partner’s back, shoulders, spend time here as this is where a lot of tension is stored. Include the arms, gently gliding over them. Then move to your partner’s legs, first one leg then the other. Take your time, explore your partner’s body. When you are ready invite your partner to turn over.
  • When your partner is laying face up, place your hand on their heart and the other hand on the crown of their hand. Take a moment here. Then begin again, touching the whole body lightly. Apply oil. Massage their body from head to toe, simply through gentle, slow touch, aiming to embrace their whole body.

Finishing the Massage

  • When you are ready to complete the massage hold your partners hand and then gently let go.  As your partner gently wakes up from their relaxing massage spend some time in an embrace, and offer them a glass of water.

The Character of a Kiss

In an age where social media is accused of ruining the way we communicate and express ourselves the internet virtual sphere has to stand up to criticism.

As human beings, we crave connection, we are simply wired that way. An authentic method of connection is through face to face interaction and communication. Studies show that only 7% of communication is based on the written or verbal word. Leaving 93% of communication based on nonverbal body language. When your words and mind are saying, one thing but your body language is saying something else.
Virtual communication looses so much meaning, it’s only when we can hear a tone of voice or look into someone’s eyes that the true meaning of their words can be understood.
But the internet does have a few wonderful surprises up its sleeve…. like the Send A Kiss campaign by Burberry, where you can send a kiss to a lover, you can take a photo of your own virtual kiss and send it along to the object of your affection, and while you are waiting for their reply explore the world of kisses, which lights up the world showing you which countries have sent the most kisses so far.
In an age of the virtual, authentic connection is more satisfying than the binary variety, but it does still offer up some wonderful ways to express connection and adoration.
Explore the world of kisses with Burberry

The Male Orgasm

Many men will try and learn everything they can about pleasing their partner to enjoy satisfying warm blooded sensuality and intimacy,  but what about you? Do you really have any clue about your own male orgasm?

It’s possible for men to experience an orgasm without an ejaculation. Believe it or not, the male orgasm and ejaculation are two different things, let me explain. 

Through tantric massage I have seen men experience orgasms without ejaculating, and this usually surprises them as they have never experienced this before. Usually the orgasm without ejaculating can be a very full orgasm, as with most authentic tantric orgasm experiences. Sometimes this is called a ‘dry orgasm’.

Dry orgasm:  when a male experiences orgasm without ejaculation. Orgasm and ejaculation are two separate processes that often occur simultaneously. However, a dry orgasm can also occur before puberty, and in males who experience retrograde ejaculation, from

Physiologically the male orgasm consists of the contraction and pulsating most guys feel in their penis, prostate and pelvic region. These sensations are met by a faster heart rate, quickened  breathing, muscle tensing, anal, sphincter and PC (pubococcygeus) muscle contractions, and an increase in blood pressure, which then result in a sudden release of tension.

Right before orgasm, seminal fluids build up at the base of the penis in the urethral bulb. This reaps the familiar feeling that you’re about to ejaculate. Then, whilst reaching orgasm, your testicles tighten up close to your body, and your urinary tract shuts down so that your ejaculate can exit from your penis rather than your bladder. All those muscle contractions signify that orgasm is taking place.

Ejaculation, however, is a spontaneous muscle spasm: A reflex that arises at the base of the spine and causes the ejection of semen this “spasm” that gives rise to a great sensation.

A dry orgasm can happen intentionally and not so intentionally. A well trained PC muscle (pubococcygeus) can lead to orgasm without ejaculation. The PC muscle goes from the pubic bone to the coccyx horizontally, creating a comfy hammock of a pelvic floor. It controls urine flow as well as involuntary contractions during orgasm (note: not ejaculation). By voluntarily contracting the PC muscles during Kegel exercises, both men and women can strengthen their perineal core. This helps with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and orgasming without ejaculating.

Whilst control through PC muscle exercises can give benefits such as stronger orgasms, it’s worth saying that focusing on a particular outcome e.g. a dry orgasm can detract from the enjoyment and spontaneity of sensual enjoyment and play.


Tantric Massage Reconnection

Tantric massage reconnection describes the ability for tantric massage to open the opportunity for you to connect to your body, feeling aware of your full body and the sensations you experience.

There are many aspects to Tantra, from the conscious channelling of sexual energy, to a celebration of acceptance, awareness of your body, spontaneity, focussing your sexual energy to experience body orgasms that are deep and prolonged. Breath work similar to that used in yoga can be used to help you relax and connect to your body, unwinding from the busy life you experience.

A tantric massage in London integrates elements from ancient tantric traditions combined with holistic massage, allowing the whole self to dissolve in to a realm of pampering and bliss.

Massaging the body into a state of relaxation, touch that caresses your body, intimately massaging the receiver and awakening their sexual energy.

Throughout the tantric massage the sexual energy is brought up to peaks and allowed to ebb away again, as your whole body relaxes using long and deep massage strokes.

Tantric massage reconnection is the opportunity that tantric massage offers to improve the quality of your connection to your body and enables you to re-focus your sexual energy in a way that is nurturing and promotes wellbeing.

Tantra and tantric eastern traditions are ways of living with consciousness about your being, being aware in each moment, of yourself, those around you and to the full expression of existence, choosing an openness to life, in every thought and emotion.

You may have seen the tantric massage for men include the word Lingam, this is simply the Sanskrit word for the intimate male body. Tantric massage for women often included the word Yoni which is the Sanskrit word for the intimate female body.

It is best to suspend all expectations or goals and approach each session as an exploration of new sensations. The goal orientated mind is set in its ways. Exploration and finding new experiences for your body, your sensuality, your sense of self, requires an openness.

The tantric massage experience is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome part of the Lingam or Yoni massage experience. Tantric massage is about being able to receive pleasure. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. Tantric Lingam or Yoni massage gives you the opportunity to enjoy a full body massage, including the intimate part of the body, to receive pleasure and relax into yourself.