Tantric Touch
Tantric Touch
Tantric touch is different from other forms of touch because it’s purely for nurturing and pleasure. Tantric touch is accepting, welcoming, innocent, without agenda, and seeks to explore sensuality in a way that is nurturing and life giving.
Tantric touch is a way to explore pleasure to new depths of delight. Tantra is a way to receive and give touch that is respectful, honouring, patient, loving and kind. The way we touch conveys meaning and that meaning can be felt by the person receiving the expression of the hand.
In most kinds of therapeutic touch or massage the sensual and sexual parts of bodies are appropriately kept covered and separate. In tantra these intimate parts of us are not seen as separate from the rest of the body and may be included (though this is not required). Conscious Tantric touch can be totally delicious simply on someone’s face, shoulders, arm or leg.
♥ Be fully present in the moment. Bring your attention to the person you are with, fully accept them and have kind loving intent for them
♥ Be aware of how you touch the other person, not too firm, or too loose, use a reassuring touch with medium pressure to communicate your love and care
♥ Thoughtfully use your hand to understand your partner’s body, scan their body slowly by touching them from head to toe
♥ Bring emotion into your touch, love, nurturing, compassion and passion
♥ It is the brain which transforms our experiences into feelings of pleasure and bliss. The best techniques will give deeper results as the mind and body connection is opened
Tantric touch is touch without agenda, other than to be experienced fully. There is no focus on performance or goals. Both giver and receiver are fully in the moment and open to thoughtful and respectful loving connection. When conscious tantric touch is used between partners there is more space to feel pleasure, emotion, loving touch and bliss.
In Tantra we are fully present in the moment, breathing with our partner, allowing the touch to flow. The more present we are in ourselves, and as partners in the moment, the more our partner will feel held and safe to surrender to sensual nurturing bliss through tantric touch.