You Are So Much More Than You Know
You Are So Much More Than You Know
There are a few central recurring questions humans are likely to ask themselves over the course of their life. These questions include Who am I?, Why are we here?, What does our future hold?, What’s the origin of the Universe?
These questions are not only on the minds of people who consider themselves to be spiritual, but also the scientific. These are some of the questions Professor Brian Cox investigates with a scientific approach through his book and TV series of the same name, Human Universe.
The ability to ask questions, consider concepts and follow through with logical thinking is the domain of humans, and no other species has demonstrated this ability.
Tantra has also considered the questions of Who am I? and How can I get more of what I want in my life? The Tantra Taittiriya Upanishad texts say that if we really want to know who we are, and get more joy and fulfillment in life, we need to know our subtle anatomy.
Tantric texts describe our anatomy as composite of five bodies, pancha koshas
1 – the physical body
2 – the energetic body
3 – the mental/emotional body
4 – the inner-teacher or wisdom body
5 – the bliss body
In Tantra when we can bring awareness into the deep layers of each of these bodies, we gain access to our highest, most evolved, powerful self.
Our human bodies are complex and fascinating. The human brain is the most complex thing in the universe , the human brain has approximately 1×10¹¹ neurons that interconnect with each other 1×10¹⁵ times (in a changing manner). All this with a weight of around 1.5 kg and a volume of 1,300 cubic centimeters. That is enough to tell us who we are: beliefs, political preferences, sports predilections and who we fall in love with.
Whether you have a mindset that is scientific or spiritual, or a mind set that has a bit of both, there is so much more to understand and explore about ourselves, others, our known world and the infinite cosmos that scientists are learning more about.
“Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”
― Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Image credit, Nasa galleries