4 Techniques to Help Relax
4 Techniques to Help Relax
1. Mindful practices
Engage in practices that help to slow your mind and body down such as tai chi, qigong, meditation or walking in nature. Even just 20 long, slow, focused breaths, in and out through your nose, at several intervals across the day can make a difference. There will be times when you need to pick up the pace, but the more you encourage slowness in your day, the more you will realise we can still be busy and mindful at the same time.
2. Flex your “no” muscle
While there are things that all of us need to do whether we want to or not, there are several that you may be doing out of duty or obligation or to people please. Become discerning about why you’re saying yes and practice being honest about those things that really feel like an internal “no”.
3. Create space for what nourishes you
Even if it’s just five minutes each day, take some time to yourself to do something that nourishes your soul. Start small and grow it.
4. Try something new
Trying something new is invigorating and helps you to get out of old ruts. Even if it’s walking a new route, or listening to new music, or trying food that’s new to you, this helps to focus your attention on the here and now, relishing in the new experience.